Ballet in three acts (1994)
In this highly sensual and intelligent three-part piece, created for the Paris Opera Ballet in 1994, Angelin Preljocaj explores the laws of attraction and the games we play, finding a subtle balance between the classical genius of Mozart’s music and the modernity of his choreographic language.
Thierry Leproust's perfectly chiselled sets evoke the elegance and refinement of a French‑style garden while Hervé Pierre’s costumes draw inspiration from the Age of Enlightenment.
Advancing to the caprices of an imaginary Carte du Tendre and guided by strange gardeners, the dancers awaken to love, from first encounters to seduction, from timidity to attraction, from resistance to the sweet appeal of abandon in sublimely soaring “pas de deux”.
Hosted by Paris Opera Ballet's DIrector of Dance (and former étoile) Aurélie Dupont, the cinema presentation features exclusive behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with Mr. Preljocaj and featured dancers Alice Renavand and Mathieu Ganio.