Acclaimed French filmmaker Benoît Jacquot (Farewell, My Queen) directs Massenet’s tragic opera, an exploration of the conflict between duty and our most passionate desires. Based on Goethe’s novel, the story follows the titular poet (tenor Vittorio Grigòlo), hopelessly in love with the already betrothed Charlotte (celebrated mezzo-soprano Joyce DiDonato singing the role for the first time). The music is full of lyrical beauty, passion and emotional fervour.
Royal Opera
In Cinemas 29, 30 & 31 Jul & 3 Aug 2016
- Conductor
- Antonio Pappano
- Orchestra
- Orchestra of the Royal Opera House
- Cast
- Vittorio Grigòlo, Joyce DiDonato, David Bižić, Heather Engebretson
- Composer
- Jules Massenet
- Director
- Benoît Jacquot
- Set Design
- Charles Edwards
- Duration
- 3h24 incl. 2 intervals
Sung in French, with English subtitles
Captured live from Covent Garden, London 27 Jun 2016
4 stars. Exceptional. DiDonato and Grigòlo do not disappoint.Rupert Christiansen, THE TELEGRAPH (UK)